Welcome Address by Chairman, GhEITI at Regional Conference - Accra, September 2012 Print

Mr. Chairman, the fact that 35 countries across the globe are already implementing the initiative, about half of which are in Africa, goes to show what impact the initiative is capable of making and can make on our economies if properly followed through. It is in our overall interest that we in the African Region, take the advantage offered by the platform of the EITI to ensure that we get what is due to us, in a clear, honest and transparent manner.

Ghana as you all know is endowed with huge natural resources. The mining industry which has been one of the backbones of the nation's economy for centuries has been joined by a new extractive sector- the oil and gas sector and both sectors are now contributing not less than 3% to the country's GDP.

Ghana started MI implementation in the mining sector and with the discovery of oil and gas, extended it to that sector in 2010. A transparent oil and gas sector would encourage investment in the sector; and generate increased revenues for government to execute its development programme.  Download here: